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七年级英语 lesson 59 China说课教案河北版

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七年级英语 lesson 59 China说课教案河北版

  作为一名默默奉献的教育工作者,可能需要进行教案编写工作,借助教案可以有效提升自己的教学能力。那么大家知道正规的教案是怎么写的吗?以下是小编收集整理的七年级英语 lesson 59 China说课教案河北版,欢迎大家分享。

七年级英语 lesson 59 China说课教案河北版





  3.前面已经学过了What’s this ? This is a …….等句式。





1.We speak Chinese.

  2.The U.S. is east of China.

  3.What’ s this in English?

  4.Beijing is the capital city of China.

  5.What country is east / west / north / south of the U.S.?

  单词:speak east


  一.Lead in导入

  1.Sing the song of lesson 58 。

  2.Duty report. (锻炼口语表达能力。)

  Show the map of the world:

  T: Look , What country is this ?

  S: It’s China.

  T: What country is that ?

  S: It’s America.

  T: What country is that?

  S: It’s England.

  T: Do they speak Chinese?

  S: No , they speak English.

  T: What do you speak ?

  We speak Chinese.


  二.Vocabulary learning单词教学

  用图片展示出首都capital旗帜flag星star 中国 Chinese

  天安门广场Tian ’anmen Square故宫Palace Museum

  重点讲解speak并比较say talk tell的不同用法

  We speak Chinese.

  speak: 1.做及物动词:说,讲某种语言

  She can speak Japanese.


  Don’t speak to me.

  say :说,述说一般与所说的内容连在一起

  The teacher says: you must study hard.


  What are you talking about?


  Don’t tell him about it.

  Exercise: ( )1. We ______ Chinese.

  A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak

  ( ) 2.She _______to me , I’m the best in the class.

  A. talks B. tells C. says D. speaks

  ( ) 3. Who will ______at the meeting this afternoon.

  A.talk B. tell C. say D. speak

  ( ) 4. Don’t ______ him about it .

  A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk



  1. Read after the tape

  Ms. Liu : What’s this , Li Ming ?

  Li Ming: This is a map of our country. We live in China. We speak Chinese.

  Ms. Liu : Good !What is the capital city of China , Li Ming.

  Li Ming: It’s Beijing.

  Ms. Liu : Yes! Beijing is the capital city of China! What country is east of China?

  Do you know , Li Ming ?

  Li Ming: Yes, I know! The U.S. is east of China !

  2. Ask and answer

  Where is Li Ming from?

  What is the capital city of China?

  What country is east of China?

  3.Disscuss .What do you know about Beijing?

  2008 Beijing Olympic(展示图片,北京的水立方,鸟巢,以及奥运开幕的盛况图片。)


  四.Listening Practice听力训练

  Ms. Liu : What’s this , Li Ming ?

  Li Ming: This is __ ____ ___our country. We _________China. We ___Chinese.

  Ms. Liu : Good !What is_____ ____ _____ of China , Li Ming.

  Li Ming: It’s Beijing.

  Ms. Liu : Yes! Beijing is the capital city of China! What _____is east of China?

  Do you know , Li Ming ?

  Li Ming: Yes, I know! The U.S. is ___ ____China !


  五.Fill in the blanks填空


  Ms. Liu : This is China’s _____.What colour is it ?

  Li Ming: It’s red. It has ______ ______ stars

  Ms. Liu : What is it ?

  Li Ming: This is _________ ________ in Beijing.

  Ms. Liu : What ‘s this ____ ________ ?

  Li Ming: I don’t know.

  Ms. Liu: It’s the _______ _________ .


  What’s this ?

  This is a map of our country. We live in China. We speak Chinese.

  What is the capital city of China/The U.S./The U.K.?

  It’s Beijing/ Washington D.C./ London.

  Beijing / Washington D.C./ London is the capital city of China The U.S./The U.K.! What country is east of China?

  The U.S. is east of China !

  What country is west of China?

  The U.S. is west of China!


  七. Read after the tape朗读


  八.Listening Practice听力练习



  九.Fill in the blanks看图填空(中国和世界地图)

  Look at the map, Ask and answer , then fill in the blank.

  A: Beijing is the ______ ________ of China.

  B: Henan is ______of Hebei.

  C: Jiangxi is _______ _______Anhui.

  D: Sichuan is _______ ______ Yunnan.

  E: Fujian is ________ ______Jiangxi.

  F: Qinghai is _______ _______ Shanxi.

  G: Heilongjiang is ______ _______ Jilin.

  H: China is ______of The U.S..

  I: Canada is _______of America.

  J: The U.S. is ______of Canada.

  K: England is _______of China.

  L: China is _______of Australia.



  题目是:I live in China, I love my country.


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